
Understanding Dentures

Missing teeth often leave gaps that can cause both eating and speech problems. Additionally, teeth left on either side of the gap may grow into the space at some angle. That’s why no one wants to lose their natural teeth.

But no matter how you take care of your teeth, age and decay can force you to have it extracted.  When this happens, your options include:

  • Removable teeth replacement (partial or complete dentures)
  • Fixed replacement (bridges or implants).

Depending on the level of damage, you may need to remove the remaining teeth. For teeth replacement, the most popular option is having dentures.

What are dentures?

These are removable false teeth made of nylon, acrylic (plastic) or metal that fit snugly on the gums in the socket where teeth are missing. Dentures are custom-made for you.

The patient chooses whether the denture would be made of acrylic or metal. The denture bases will however be made from a rigid acrylic. To ensure that your denture fits perfectly, the dental prosthetist will normally take moulded impressions of your mouth that will be used to create the denture.

The kind of dentures the dental prosthetist fits for you will depend whether you just had a few or all of your teeth removed. What you need also determines how much you need to pay. Prepare to pay anywhere at least $1,900 for upper and lower full dentures.

And if you choose to have your dentures made out of porcelain, this costs slightly higher. Upper partial dentures cost $600 upwards on average while each tooth may cost $43.

No matter the cost, both partial and complete dentures replace missing teeth and eliminate the potential problems generally caused by gaps.

Partial dentures

Partial Dentures in Perth WAPartial dentures replace some missing teeth, with natural teeth remaining. They are made from acrylic with a little metal. This small metal helps clasp the dentures in place.

The bases of most partial dentures are made from a rather flexible type of thermoplastic such as nylon. Though these are little expensive, but they  feel and look more natural.

Complete Dentures

Also referred to as full dentures, these are made and used when all the teeth are missing. To fully replace teeth in the upper jaw, the dentures will include a flesh-coloured acrylic base covering the gums as well as the roof of the mouth. This allows the entire set of false teeth to sit firmly in place.

Though complete dentures for the lower jaw are similar, their acrylic base is typically shaped like a horseshoe so they can avoid covering the tongue.

What to expect when getting your first denture?

If you have some or all of your teeth missing, you should consider having them replaced with partial or complete dentures to restore your confident smile and ability to chew.

After you choose to have a denture, here’s what to expect between your visits to the DP and the time you’ll take to adjust to new dentures.

Fitting your denture

  • The DP will first take you through the steps in fitting  – explaining in details what you are supposed to expect.
  • They will also explain if you’ll need to have any remaining natural teeth removed before fitting the dentures.
  • Then he/she will remove any remaining teeth in the jaw before fitting the dentures.

Dental impression

The DP will take moulds of your mouth in order to create a denture that suits you.

Bite moulds

The dental prosthetist uses wax blocks to check if you’re comfortable when you bite with your denture on. During this phase the DP may also ask you to choose the shape and colour of your new teeth.

Wax models

The dentures (your new teeth) are set in wax. This helps you get a good idea of how your final denture will look.


The final phase is to fit your denture. You are then given instructions on how to care for the denture.

Adapting to dentures

Once you have your new dentures fitted, you may use them. However, it’s important to understand that dentures are not exactly like regular teeth. They need a different type of care and require some getting used to.

It may feel weird to have new dentures in your mouth at first, but your tongue, mouth and the facial muscles eventually get used to it. You just need to be patient and practice speaking and eating with it.

To make the process more comfortable, your dental prosthetist may recommend using denture adhesives and cleansers. These should help you feel a lot more confident while wearing your new denture.

Note that the prices for the dentures will depend on many factors such as:

  • The work that’s involved in fitting the dental prosthetist.
  • The number of follow-up appointments needed overed.
  • The type of dentures that you choose. Different dental prosthetists also charge differently for their respective services, so it’s rewarding to canvas around for the best deals.

Dentures can be the best thing since sliced bread for anyone who has missing teeth. If some or all of your teeth are missing, find a dental prosthetist to recommend the right dentures for you. Whatever your budget, there are a suitable plan and denture type to help you enjoy your life again.

What to Expect When You Have New Dentures

Anyone with missing teeth will agree that dentures are the best thing since sliced bread.

Being artificial teeth, however, you have to adjust to get used to them. The first few days with new dentures may feel a little awful. But you will shortly get used to wearing them. Your mindset plays a major role in how fast you adapt to new dentures. You must  understand that a denture is an alternative to having no teeth, not a substitute for your natural teeth. They are designed to last at least 5 years. With proper care, they can even  last up to 10 years.  But just like natural teeth, your dentures need regular maintenance to last that long.

Adapting to New Dentures

Like any new experience, you’ll need to be patient with your new dentures in order to get used to them. Depending on the nature of your oral tissue, there may be slight spasms of pain within the first 2 to 3 days of wearing your new denture. You may have to put up with some soreness in the beginning, as you’ll need to leave your denture in your mouth for the first few days.

Your DP will tell you how long you should wear your dentures before you can start taking it out at bedtime and during the day for cleaning.They will also make any adjustments to your dentures as required after they have been inserted. Whichever the case, the experience should naturally improve after the first 48 hours. These two days are the most challenging.  These are among  the challenges that you may encounter and how to overcome each of them.

+ Speech is affected

New dentures may affect your speech, but this can easily be solved. . Simply practise reading out loud or singing – whichever you prefer.

Either of these will exercise your tongue and let it find the right position to produce clear speech.

Slow down if your talking is impeded. Eventually you’ll pinpoint the pace you’re comfortable in when speaking with your new denture.

+ Retention and Stability of Dentures

retention on new denturesUnlike your natural teeth, dentures are generally less stable. No denture is expected to match the perfection of healthy natural teeth. One way to enhance retention and stability is to use denture adhesives.  But remember these will only help well-fitting dentures, not a poorly fitting one. A match stick size of adhesive is all that is required, possibly in two places. Thus, it is best to check in with your DP for a reline or a new denture if the present one does not fit well.

And note that not all new dentures need adhesives. There are some dentures that use other mechanisms to have stability and retention. For best results, consult with your DP.

+ Suction with a New Denture

It may take 24 hours for your new denture to achieve proper suction depending on the type of soft tissue in your mouth and the amount of bone available. Note that an upper denture may take longer than a lower one.

However, a full lower denture will rarely have the same suction as the upper denture. Here’s a tip: some people can make the suction of their new dentures become stronger by drinking through a straw.

+ Excess Saliva

excess saliva when having denturesYou may frequently have lots of saliva in your mouth with new dentures. To remove excess saliva, you should drink more water.

The water also helps in maintaining the right levels of moisture in your mouth during the early stages of wearing a new denture.

Care for New Dentures

Your DP will often ask you to keep your new denture in your mouth for at least 2 days. This is a challenge given the discomfort brought about by new dentures.

Removing the denture prematurely for whatever reason may cause your gums to swell and make it impossible to put the denture back into the socket.

Bleeding may also occur and the tissue that’s been freshly operated on may be affected.

In case you feel some pain or soreness, do not hesitate to inform your DP about it.

Clean your dentures at least twice a day. Just like your natural teeth would require brushing after every meal to control bacteria, your dentures equally need regular removal and cleaning for your oral hygiene and overall health.

Massage your gums to improve blood flow. Removing your new dentures for cleaning during the day will allow you to massage your gums to boost blood flow and ease nerve tension.

remove your dentureRemove your dentures when going to bed. It’s recommended that you remove your dentures overnight and put them back in their socket only in the morning. At night, soak the dentures in a glass of water or denture bath  and leave them by the side of your bed.

If this is not an option for you, then be sure to find at least two other times of the day to take out your denture.

Regularly check in with your DP

Some people brag that they have not seen a DP for x amount of years, You require to get your dentures checked every 2-3 years. Your jaw and facial muscles change shape every year plus the teeth in the denture can wear down, depending what teeth you decided on putting into the denture.


Dentures improve your appearance and boost your confidence. How long your dentures last will depend on how well you look after them. To prolong their usage, follow the denture care procedures given here and the recommendations of your DP.



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